Wishing you a waste-wise festive season
BiobiN South Africa wishes you a joyful, fun, and safe festive season. Thank you for all your support and commitment to help us achieve a cleaner environment for all. Let us continue this through the festive season into the new year.
We realise that this time of year we like to celebrate with food. With this, we normally find that the volumes of food waste produced from households increases significantly. We would like to encourage you to donate extra food items during this festive season. Food waste that will not be consumed should be composted.
Leading into the new year, we will continue with our mission to divert food waste from landfill, to transform it into high grade compost to replenish our soils!
Until then, stay safe and enjoy time off, and with friends and family.
Follow us on Facebook/BiobiNSouthAfrica, or visit www.biobin.co.za to keep up with the conversation!