What? Did Peppa Pig just teach our kids how to compost?
Parents, you know the drill; need a break from your parenting duties, need to catch up on cleaning around the house? Put on an episode of Peppa Pig and your kids are sure to be glued to the screen while you catch up on your ‘you’ time.
BiobiN was very pleased to find out that there is an entire episode of Peppa Pig that is dedicated to composting!
“Oh-oh, I put these peelings in the top of the box and at the bottom, out comes rich earth” ~ Grandpa Pig giving Peppa a lesson in composting food scraps. “But is it a magic box” ~ Peppa responds with interest. And so, the composting lesson begins. Watch it here.
So, if you are looking to add to the list of holiday activities for your kids, how about testing their new knowledge of composting that they learned while watching Peppa Pig?