With a 6.5m3 BiobiN®, it has a 0.75 kilowatt blower which runs two hours on and 2 hours off. So you can multiply the usage times the kilowatt hour cost to get to an electricity cost per month, see an example below:
Standard kWh tariff Estimated kWh tariff
0,75 Kilowatt Fan Motor 0.75 0.75
2 hours on and two hours off = hours per day 12 12
Therefore kilowatt hours per month ( 31 days per month) 279 279
Standard tarrif per Kilowatt hour – 1 April 2022 R1.4600
Assume Clients tarrif per kilowatt hour is R1.4000
Electricity costs per month R 407.34 R 390.60

It takes about 4-6 weeks to convert the food and organic matter into compost, which could  then used in gardens & sports fields. Could be used in community gardens to grow vegetables

We have two business models, one is a straight rental model and the other one is a outright purchase and then a 3 year maintenance contract.

The time depends on the quantity of food waste and how often its filled up. Generally we take it to a composter around 4-6 weeks, but if you want it to really break down into compost,let it “cook”  for 8-10 weeks.

Yes, once the BiobiN® is full, we empty it at a composting site nearby. The mico-organisms further break down the organic matter, and as this happens, the exothermic reaction heats up the pile and the composting process continues. It takes around 3-4 months to get to perfect compost. However, is you wanted to do on site composting, after 4-6 weeks you can empty it into compost windrows and give it another 4- 6 weeks of turning and adding more carbon into the windrows and you will have material you can use. 
One of the biggest advantages of the BiobiN® is that there is no smell. The BiobiN® is a sealed vessel therefore no smell, no contamination around the bin which then eliminates rodents etc. It gets the temperature up to 55-65degrees, which effectively kills off grade A and B  pathogens. The main thing is that as long as the simple housekeeping rules are followed there wont be any smells, ie
  1. Manage your wet:dry ratio’s with sufficient carbon.
  2. Don’t leave the lid open
  3. Make sure that the BiobiN® is kept clean outside and clean off any food waste spillage.
  4. Make sure that the flexible hoses are not cracked and that the door seals are not perished, these things will be picked up with the daily maintenance checks
Yes, there are 4 sizes, see the info below:
Unit Specs 2,0 m³  * 6,5 m³ 10,0 m³ 15 m³
Foot Print (excluding biofilter) 2,04 m x 1,34 m 3,5 m x 1,8 m 5 m x 2,2m 5.3 m x 2.4 m
Net Weight approx.  (BiobiN® only) 300 kg 600 kg 1850 kg 2500 kg
Gross Weight (est. max) 1800 kg 5100 kg 9350 kg 14000 kg
Net organics capacity (averaged estimate- variable according to material type) 1500 kg 4500 kg 7500 kg 12500 kg
The simple answer to this questions is no, the BiobiN® doesn’t smell. As long as the simple housekeeping rules are followed;
  • Manage your wet:dry ratio’s.
  • Don’t leave the lid open
  • Undertake routine checks
The idea of the BiobiN® is that it commences processing on site and only requires to be emptied when it’s full – which maximises transport efficiencies. This time frame can vary between locations and uses, and can be as often as every week or as long as a year. Your BiobiN® technologist can determine when yours will need emptying.
Once removed from the container, the unit can potentially be operating in 4 hours.

Weekly draining of condensate, commonly done by the customer.

3 monthly system check for leaks, cracks, etc., twice yearly filter cartridge change and annual biofilter media change, commonly undertaken by the service provider but can be undertaken by the customer. 

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